How To Improve Your Hair Health

How To Improve Your Hair Health

What is the secret to obtaining amazing hair health? What most people don't realise is how important styling your hair is and how it plays a crucial part in your hair health. Find out more ...

How Can I Improve My Hair Health?

What is the secret to obtaining amazing hair health? There are the obvious solutions such as taking vitamins, using less heat, the products you use in your hair etc. These are all factors that can improve your hair health that most of us have tried. However, what most people don't realise is how important styling your hair is and how it plays a crucial part in your hair health and how to maintain good hair health.


Don't stress, we are here to tell you all the healthy hair tips and secrets you need to know!

How Can I Make My Hair Healthy Naturally?

Hair care goes beyond using conditioning treatments, hair styling is just as important and vital in maintaining the best hair quality. So, what products should you be using to style your hair with for good hair health? We offer eco-resin hair accessories that are handmade in France and polished to have the smoothest edges. For you, this means that these hair accessories will not snag or pull on your hair which is one of the biggest factors in keeping your hair in good health.


The lightweight material doesn't pull your hair so you don't need to worry about tension or thinning of your beautiful locks. Did you know that plastic elastics can break and damage your hair? They are also made from plastic which is damaging to your hair and the environment. Our French luxury hair accessories are made to last and feel comfortable in your hair which prevents breakage and snagging.     

We also offer silk scrunchies which are a healthy alternative to using hair elastics. As silk is naturally smooth in texture, which prevents frizziness and reduces thinning, it also prevents knotting, breakages and split ends. How annoying can it be when your hair elastic causes creases in your hair? Luckily with these silk scrunchies they prevent creases and also help keep your hair in place all day and night.

Read more here about hair health and natural hair styling.

Hypoallergenic Hair Accessories  

Finding high quality hypoallergenic hair accessories can be difficult. Our French Handmade collection are ethically produced and made from the sustainable material, Cellulose Acetate. Cellulose Acetate comes from 100% natural compounds and is fully biodegradable, as well as hypoallergenic.

This innovative material is known for its long-lasting quality and the ability to adjust easily to create a custom fit with a sturdy yet flexible form.


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